Upon the Discovery of a Treasure Box...

(Thursday, February 15, 2007)

It has been so long since I have been able to visit this little part of my world! Our town got what I thought was going to be a quaint snow storm, but turned out to be something quite a bit more serious that cooped me up inside for the better part of three days. Winter wouldn't have been quite complete without one such little storm, however; so I can officially say I'm satisfied and ready for spring!

I took a wonderful little excursion recently that I so wanted to detail with pictures, as I'm such a fan of Vanessa's delightful narratives and stories, but alas, I am without the privilege of a digital camera for now, so the old-fashioned way of tale-telling will have to do...

It all began with a reunion of sorts. Two long lost friends of mine invited me to a place from our pasttime, a favorite little flea market of ours. This is an immense place, an open market, with quaint shop beside quaint shop and little family eateries and mom-and-pop type counters here and there, and open stands of seafoods and colorful candies and people strolling and dashing and fabrics. And you never know what you'll find there. Some people call them junk stores; I think of them as treasure chests.

All the sparkly jewelry stores were pulling my attention as we walked along. There were so many beads and delightful stones and opals and big, chunky necklaces, handmade and found who knows where. My first stop was one such stand, with three tables lined with every different sort of beaded necklace and earrings one could dream of. The proprietor was on his phone, talking away, and as I raised necklaces up to his attention he smiled, covered the mouthpiece of his phone, and offered up a price, each time grinning delightfully. After roaming around several times in awe, fingering this and that pendant, I settled on two charming pieces: one a myriad of green and ruby and teal beads with a pearlescent turquoise pendant, the other strung with amber beads and weighted by a beautiful emerald-hued cross. To my delight as I rushed them home later that evening and tried them on, I realized they also came with matching earrings I'd somehow overlooked!

I chanced upon a place filled with antiqued little country signs, reading "Tea" and "Coffee" and "Sugar," and hung with berry vines, and then a stand that reminded me of being twelve years old. Remember those cheap, adorable little mood rings that were a phase years back? I used to have many of them when I was an adolescent, and I came upon a stand that had boxes of them. Just for old times' sake, I bought one! It's a $3 little thing, and sits just like an oval onyx upon my finger, and looks pretty and recalls a lot of fun memories when I look at it. Sometimes it changes colors and green and brown circles spin the center, but I think it means little more these days than "Megan, your hands are freezing!"

Then -- THEN -- the biggest treat of the night unfolded. We stumbled into a $2 jewelry store. The jewelry I speak of is not fake silver and gold, but handmade necklaces, you see. EVERYTHING in the store was $2, and I could hardly believe it for the beautiful pieces that were hanging everywhere. We spent the better part of an hour inside, sorting through the charming collection. I found a red-corded necklace with an "ivory" elephant's head hung on the end, some white and green big pearly earrings, and another pretty little beaded necklace. It was so hard to choose! We knew then we'd be making this shop a regular visit!

This place is just one big treasure box. One day I will take pictures of the bins of wonderful little finds, but until then I hope you enjoyed the humble tale and perhaps experienced a little of the travel for yourself!

Until next,
-xo Meg

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Sounds dangerous- and delightful! I am glad you had such a fun time, Meg! I think PA always had the best flea markets around- we used to always go on Sunday's after church- everybody would come home with something. I miss those days...

Posted byBlogger Regina @ 10:52 PM #

lovely story, and I too can relate to the horrible weather as of late.

Posted byBlogger stilettoheights @ 9:06 AM #

were you in heaven? Are you sure you did not have an out of body experience to the other side? $2 dollars????? What??? The whole day sounds wonderful, and I wished to pieces I had been there. Of course you can bring your piano!!!! It is a mansion, it will fit. I hope? I own a lot of stuff, but, bring it anyway... your description of the place was magic.

Posted byBlogger http://afancifultwist.typepad.com @ 12:01 PM #

i love your stories. TELL MORE!!!! lol.

i'm glad you found a magical treasure shop.

Posted byBlogger bee @ 10:09 AM #
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Meg... wife, writer, reader, dreamer, artist.



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Inside a Black Apple
A Fanciful Twist
I Still See a Spark in You
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Colors on My Mind
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